PBL World 2025

PBLWorks is the industry leader in Project Based Learning (PBL). Our PBL World Conference is the go-to event for immersive Project Based Learning education, teaching, and instruction. Over the past two years, we’ve celebrated record-breaking registrations in our event's 14-year history! If you are curious about Project Based Learning or are a PBL educator, this is an event that you do not want to miss. Our workshops are designed and facilitated by our PBLWorks staff, including our National Faculty – PBL experts and practitioners — all of whom have deep expertise in PBL and adult learning.  Check out the PBL World 2025 workshop list below:

Choose a multi-day workshop.

Our signature PBL workshops are 3 days, and will meet on June 24, 25 & 26 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Registration for these workshops is $1,400 per person. 

  • PBL 101: An Introduction to Project Based Learning
  • PBL 201: Equity & Gold Standard PBL
  • PBL 201: Improving the Quality of Student Work
  • PBL 201: Learner-Centered Assessment
  • PBL Coaching Workshop
  • PBL Leadership Workshop
  • PBL Teach: Middle School Science (6-8)*
  • PBL Teach: Middle School Math (6-8)*
  • PBL Teach: Middle School Social Studies (6-8)*

*These workshops are designed for content area teachers at the specified grade bands. 

Add on a one-day pre-conference workshop!

Our signature one-day workshops will meet on June 23 (Monday before the conference begins). Registration for an add-on session is $300, if you are registering for a multi-day workshop. 
Pre-conference-only options are also available! 

  • SEL in PBL
  • Project Slice: Making Space for Change
  • Project Slice: Sustainable Future
  • Project Slice: The Art of Persuasion
  • Project Slice: Storytime Channel*                                                                                          *For early childhood educators working with our youngest learners (ages 3-8)

Register Today!

Choose a multi-day workshop.

  • PBL 101: Introduction to Project Based Learning
    PBL 101: Introduction to Project Based Learning ($1,400) 

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders.

    This foundational three-day workshop in Project Based Learning—based on our model of Gold Standard PBL—is the best way to begin your PBL journey. In this workshop, you’ll develop a Gold Standard project for your students and learn equity-centered teaching practices to facilitate high-quality PBL. The PBL 101 workshop models the Project Based Learning process. You will leave your workshop with a personalized project planner and clear next steps for project implementation.

    In this workshop, you will learn how to:

    • Develop a personal vision for how Gold Standard PBL serves students and their communities
    • Plan Gold Standard projects that teach meaningful learning goals and are relevant to students and their communities
    • Include well-curated resources, effective learning experiences, and purposeful assessments to ensure that all students are appropriately challenged and supported as they move through the project path
    • Engage students in learner-centered practices, driven by sustained inquiry, throughout the project
    • Balance structure and flexibility in the project facilitation, using varied forms of evidence to ensure that all students grow in relation to learning goals

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • PBL 201: Equity & Gold Standard PBL
    PBL 201: Equity & Gold Standard PBL ($1,400)

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders 
    Prerequisite: PBL 101 or PBL Teach Workshop

    PBL 201 Workshops are three-day sessions that provide experienced PBL practitioners with in-depth instruction on PBLWorks Gold Standard Project Based Teaching Practices. 

    This workshop invites experienced PBL practitioners to explore four key “levers” for fostering equity in the PBL classroom: Knowledge of Students, Cognitive Demand, Literacy, and Shared Power. Bring a draft project to this workshop to refine with educational equity in mind and create a plan for project implementation to create meaningful, challenging, and culturally relevant learning experiences for all learners, particularly those our educational system has historically marginalized. You will leave your workshop with a new or revised project and a deeper understanding of effective PBL facilitation practices.

    In this workshop, you will learn how to:

    • Develop and implement strategies and practices for learning about students, their families, and communities and use that learning to inform PBL design and facilitation
    • Provide a balance of challenge and support via cognitively demanding tasks and appropriate scaffolds so that all students are able to access deep levels of inquiry
    • Identify key literacy skills and make a plan to support them in order to help students access content/learning and deepen students’ ability to communicate within and across disciplines
    • Co-create a learning community where students have the opportunity to shape the direction of the process and products as appropriate for the task, content, and age level of the students

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • PBL 201: Improving the Quality of Student Work
    PBL 201: Improving the Quality of Student Work ($1,400)

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders 
    Prerequisite: PBL 101 or PBL Teach Workshop

    PBL 201 Workshops are three-day sessions that provide experienced PBL practitioners with in-depth instruction on PBLWorks Gold Standard Project Based Teaching Practices.

    This workshop invites experienced PBL practitioners to improve project facilitation skills in ways that lead to high-quality student work and rigorous thinking by reflecting on a project and investigating specific strategies to strengthen project implementation. You will leave your workshop with a new or revised project and a deeper understanding of effective PBL facilitation practices.

    In this workshop, you will learn how to:

    • Align projects to significant content and skills
    • Scaffold students’ capacity to think critically
    • Use learner-centered coaching practices to help all students grow
    • Facilitate effective critique and revision processes
    • Build a culture of quality work and rigorous thinking

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • PBL 201: Learner-Centered Assessment
    PBL 201: Learner-Centered Assessment ($1,400)

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders 
    Prerequisite: PBL 101 or PBL Teach Workshop 

    PBL 201 Workshops are three-day sessions that provide experienced PBL practitioners with in-depth instruction on PBLWorks Gold Standard Project Based Teaching Practices.

    This workshop invites experienced PBL practitioners to elevate their assessment practices within PBL with practical strategies and tips. Using existing units or new project blueprints provided by PBLWorks, enhance and refine assessment components to align teacher, self, and peer assessments with key project deliverables. You will leave your workshop with a new or revised project and a deeper understanding of effective PBL assessment practices.

    In this workshop, you will learn how to:

    • Define high-quality learner-centered assessment and apply the principles to a project
    • Align assessments with project goals by identifying key standards, learning intentions, and success criteria
    • Create a standards-aligned product rubric for formative and summative assessments
    • Identify key deliverables and learning experiences that provide students with opportunities to demonstrate growth throughout the project
    • Use a variety of formative assessment tools to foster feedback and reflection

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • PBL Coaching Workshop
    PBL Coaching Workshop ($1,400)

    For instructional coaches, school and district leaders 
    Prerequisite: PBL 101 or equivalent experience with Gold Standard PBL  

    This workshop is based on our PBL Coaching Cycle and aligned with our model for Gold Standard Project Based Learning. Deepen your expertise as a PBL instructional coach or leader by engaging in this three-day experience where you will create a PBL Coaching Toolkit to help you support teachers with implementing Gold Standard PBL more effectively.

    In this workshop, you will learn how to:

    • Articulate best practices related to coaching teachers during each phase of the PBL Coaching Cycle
    • Plan and implement coaching conversations and other peer-driven feedback protocols

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • PBL Leadership Workshop
    PBL Leadership Workshop ($1,400) 

    For teams of school and district leaders  
    Requirement: Due to the workshop's collaborative nature, participants must attend as part of a school or district leadership team of 3-4 participants, including the principal or superintendent.  

    Dive in with your leadership team and learn how to grow the conditions needed for Gold Standard PBL to thrive in your system. Considering your current reality, you will design a customized strategy to launch or advance PBL in your school or district. Both new and experienced practitioners of PBL are welcome.

    In this workshop, teams will learn how to:

    • Deepen their understanding of Gold Standard PBL as an equity-centered approach to teaching and learning
    • Assess their school’s current reality for PBL
    • Identify and address a key PBL implementation challenge
    • Identify key action steps for implementing PBL in their school or district
    • Engage together as a community of leaders and learners to lead the changes needed to scale Gold Standard PBL in their school/district

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • PBL Teach: Middle School Science (6-8) Curriculum
    PBL Teach: Middle School Science ($1,400)

    This three-day workshop is for middle school (Grades 6-8) science teachers interested in implementing one of our new, standards-aligned Gold Standard PBL science curriculum units*. You will gain the knowledge and skills to select and contextualize a pre-designed, rigorous, standards-based science project in your classroom and learn how to navigate the Teach App effectively to leverage the project resources necessary for successful implementation. Leave with a personalized project implementation plan and an understanding of the teaching practices needed to facilitate high-quality PBL.

    *This workshop will specifically focus on implementing fully designed units. You will not be designing an original project. If you prefer to design your own project or are in a different subject area or grade band, please select PBL 101 or one of our other subject-specific workshops. 

    In this workshop, you will:

    • Increase understanding of the Gold Standard Project Design Elements
    • Develop a calendar specifically contextualized to their own school calendar to implement their chosen project
    • Learn and apply the Project Based Teaching Practices in the planning and review of their project
    • Reflect on the needs of learners and incorporate scaffolding strategies to support learning throughout a project
    • Apply culture-building strategies in their project planning
    • Develop the structures and resources necessary to implement the chosen project in their classroom

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • PBL Teach: Middle School Math (6-8) Curriculum
    PBL Teach: Middle School Math ($1,400)

    This three-day workshop is for middle school (Grades 6-8) math teachers interested in implementing one of our new, standards-aligned Gold Standard PBL math curriculum units*. You will gain the knowledge and skills to select and contextualize a pre-designed, rigorous, standards-based math project in your classroom and learn how to navigate the Teach App effectively to leverage the project resources necessary for successful implementation. Leave with a personalized project implementation plan and an understanding of the teaching practices needed to facilitate high-quality PBL.  

    *This workshop will specifically focus on implementing fully designed units. You will not be designing an original project. If you prefer to design your own project or are in a different subject area or grade band, please select PBL 101 or one of our other subject-specific workshops. 

    In this workshop, you will: 

    • Develop the structures and resources necessary to implement the chosen project in their classroom Increase understanding of the Gold Standard Project Design Elements
    • Develop a calendar specifically contextualized to their own school calendar to implement their chosen project
    • Learn and apply the Project Based Teaching Practices in the planning and review of their project
    • Reflect on the needs of learners and incorporate scaffolding strategies to support learning throughout a project
    • Apply culture-building strategies in their project planning 

      This three-day workshop combines direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, peer collaboration, and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL and subject matter experts.
  • PBL Teach: Middle School Social Studies (6-8) Curriculum
    PBL Teach: Middle School Social Studies ($1,400)

    This three-day workshop is for middle school (Grades 6-8) social studies teachers interested in implementing one of our new, standards-aligned Gold Standard PBL social studies curriculum units*. You will gain the knowledge and skills to select and contextualize a pre-designed, rigorous, standards-based social studies project in your classroom and learn how to navigate the Teach App effectively to leverage the project resources necessary for successful implementation. Leave with a personalized project implementation plan and an understanding of the teaching practices needed to facilitate high-quality PBL.

    *This workshop will specifically focus on implementing fully designed units. You will not be designing an original project. If you prefer to design your own project or are in a different subject area or grade band, please select PBL 101 or one of our other subject-specific workshops. 

    In this workshop, you will:

    • Increase understanding of the Gold Standard Project Design Elements
    • Develop a calendar specifically contextualized to their own school calendar to implement their chosen project
    • Learn and apply the Project Based Teaching Practices in the planning and review of their project
    • Reflect on the needs of learners and incorporate scaffolding strategies to support learning throughout a project
    • Apply culture-building strategies in their project planning
    • Develop the structures and resources necessary to implement the chosen project in their classroom

    This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

One-day pre-conference workshops

  • SEL in PBL
    SEL in PBL ($300) 

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders

    This one-day workshop provides an overview of PBL as a transformative approach to social and emotional learning (SEL). Participants will reflect on how Transformative Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a lever for equity in PBL by lifting identity, agency, belonging, curiosity, and collaborative decision-making in student projects.

    In this workshop, you will learn how to:

    • Describe the connection between the development of SEL competencies and Gold Standard PBL.
    • Articulate the attributes of Transformative SEL.
    • Identify opportunities to strengthen SEL competencies through Transformative SEL within a project.

    This one-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • Project Slice: Making Space for Change
    Project Slice: Making Space for Change ($300)

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders

    Experience what it’s like to be a learner in Project Based Learning by engaging in an immersive one-day experience—a “slice” of a project. The driving question for this Project Slices is, “How can we redesign a public space to promote a social benefit?” Each team focuses on creating a plan for a public space (park, library, etc.) that facilitates a different goal, such as increasing opportunities for civil and democratic discourse or enhancing public health and physical fitness.

    In this workshop, you will:

    • Understand what it is like to engage in PBL as a learner
    • Experience the four phases of a project.
    • Connect the Project Slice to current classroom practice.
    • Build on learning to develop a vision for future classroom practice.

    This one-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • Project Slice: Sustainable Future
    Project Slice: Sustainable Future ($300) 

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders

    Experience what it’s like to be a learner in Project Based Learning by engaging in an immersive one-day experience—a “slice” of a project. The driving question for this Project Slices is, “How do we manage shared resources for a sustainable future?” Teams explore and apply economic and environmental science theories related to the “commons.” They create case study presentations focused on local and global situations where individuals' needs conflict with the collective's and present possible solutions to these challenges.

    In this workshop, you will:

    • Understand what it is like to engage in PBL as a learner
    • Experience the four phases of a project
    • Connect the Project Slice to current classroom practice
    • Build on learning to develop a vision for future classroom practice

    This one-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • Project Slice: The Art of Persuasion
    Project Slice: The Art of Persuasion ($300)

    For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders

    Experience what it’s like to be a learner in Project Based Learning by engaging in an immersive one-day experience—a “slice” of a project. The driving question for this Project Slice is, “How can we inspire people to create change?” Teams create a persuasive visual design for a marketing/ social media campaign for an issue they care about. They research their topics, analyze mentor texts, and learn how to use rhetorical appeals to craft a compelling and effective message. 

    In this workshop, you will:

    • Understand what it is like to engage in PBL as a learner
    • Experience the four phases of a project
    • Connect the Project Slice to current classroom practice
    • Build on learning to develop a vision for future classroom practice

    This one-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.

  • Project Slice: Storytime Channel
    Project Slice: Storytime Channel ($300)

    For Early Childhood Educators (Ages 3-8)

    This Project Slice is tailored explicitly for early childhood educators working with our youngest learners (ages 3-8), with all lessons, resources, and activities carefully crafted to suit this age group's developmental needs and interests.

    Participants will experience what it’s like to be a learner in Project Based Learning, by engaging in an immersive one-day PBL experience — a “slice” of a project. In this Project Slice, participants explore the driving question, “How can we make stories come alive?” Teams will create engaging productions of familiar fairy tales for a collaborative Storytime Channel.

    In this workshop, you will:

    • Understand what it is like to engage in PBL as a learner
    • Experience the four phases of a project
    • Connect the Project Slice to current classroom practice
    • Build on learning to develop a vision for future classroom practice

    This one-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Your workshop will be facilitated by PBLWorks National Faculty members—all seasoned teachers, administrators, and coaches who are PBL experts.