Teaching about Climate Change with Project Based Learning
Teaching about Climate Change with Project Based Learning
The project to end all projects
One way to think about the climate crisis is as the project to end all projects—a massive, collaborative, interdisciplinary endeavor with an authentic, incredibly high-stakes outcome: the future of our planet.
This project requires every single person on Earth to deepen our knowledge and build our skills, and demands that we work together in unprecedented ways.
How can we as educators support the student movement?
We often talk about Project Based Learning as a pedagogy that equips students for the future. However, our youth are fighting right now to ensure that they have a future. Through movements like Sunrise and the Youth Climate Strikes, young people around the world recognize the urgency of the crisis we’re in, and are leading the charge to transform our economic, social, and political systems in time to save the planet.
So how can we help our students adapt to the realities of an already changing climate while also empowering them to stop climate change from getting worse? One way to take action within our own spheres of influence is to design projects that teach core content and skills in the context of authentic climate action.
Here are 6 project ideas about our changing climate...
Shrinking Our Footprints
How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?
Species Survival
How can we protect an endangered species in our area?
Ready for Anything
How can we keep our communities safe in the face of natural hazards?
Waiting on the World to Change
How can we make change happen in our community?
There’s What in My Water?!
How safe is my [water, air, soil, food]?
Broken Laws
How can we change the law to make our society better for everyone?
Looking for more inspiration?
Check out our latest blog posts about the climate crisis – including some real-life projects in action...