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Showing 306 results for 'gold standard'

VIDEO: March Through Nashville

This project features Kimberly Head-Trotter of McKissack Middle School, in Nashville, TN, with her 6th grade ELA/History class.
Gold Standard PBL: Teaching Practices

Resource List: Managing a Project

Articles, videos, and rubrics to help K-12 teachers learn how to manage activities in PBL units.
General PBL

A Push for PBL Down Under

At the “iOnTheFuture” conference in Australia, PBLWorks’ John Larmer and Suzie Boss delivered a keynote with a reassuring message about researcher John Hattie’s findings on PBL.

PBL Classroom Walkthroughs

PBL Classroom Walkthroughs build the capacity of 1-3 school leaders and instructional coaches to develop a deeper understanding of what Gold Standard Project Based Teaching Practices look like in action.