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Showing 25 results for 'critical thinking rubrics'
teacher with students
How-to Tips and Tools

4 Ways to Build a PBL Culture

A PBL Works National Faculty member and teacher explains the importance of relationships, student ownership, common language and processes, and promoting a growth mindset.
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Research: Publications

Explore and download some of the exclusive published research and evidence about the impact of quality Project Based Learning.
students working on PBL project in a maker school
General PBL

PBL and the Maker Movement

A 4th-5th grade teacher describes a drone project and makes the case for combining the features of PBL with maker education.
Gold Standard PBL: Design Elements

Gold Standard PBL: Essential Project Design Elements

An overview of the 7 Essential Project Design Elements in the PBLWorks model for Gold Standard PBL. Adapted from “Gold Standard PBL: The Essential Project Design Elements” white paper by John Larmer and John Mergendoller (2015).
Kid with camera
How-to Tips and Tools

Keeping Your Eye on the Learning Prize in PBL

Four tips to help ensure a focus on student learning during a PBL unit: unpack standards and success skills, specify learning targets, focus walkthroughs on learning.
How-to Tips and Tools

The Power of Professional Presentations

A PBLWorks National Faculty member explains why making a presentation is an important skill, and offers advice for teaching students how to do them well.