Introducing PBLWorks
Novato, California (Feb 6, 2019) – The Buck Institute for Education today announced the introduction of its new brand name, PBLWorks. This change drives a renewed focus on providing high quality Project Based Learning (PBL) to all students and supporting teachers and administrators in implementing PBL effectively.
“We are recognized as the worldwide leader in supporting and promoting Project Based Learning so we decided that our name should celebrate that fact,” said Bob Lenz, executive director of PBLWorks. “We chose this name because it tells everyone what we do and why we do it. Project Based Learning works to transform students’ educational experiences.”
PBLWorks offers an expanding collection of PBL services, including thought leadership and training around Gold Standard PBL, as well as resources, curriculum materials, and more. The new brand also encompasses the organization’s work in PBL research and the events it hosts such as the annual PBL World conference and PBL Institutes around the U.S. and in other countries.
For more information about PBLWorks, visit the new website:
Project Based Learning is proven to positively impact a diverse student population and prepare students for the demands of college, career, and active citizenship. It improves student engagement, fosters a deeper understanding of academic content, and connects students to real world issues in their communities.
“We envision that all students – no matter where they come from or their background –will have access to high quality Project Based Learning because it teaches them key academic content and success skills such as problem-solving and collaboration, and empowers them to tackle the challenges in their lives and in the world they will inherit,” said Lenz. “We believe our new brand name brings this vision to life.”
About PBLWorks
At PBLWorks, we believe that all students—no matter where they live or what their background—should have access to quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life. Our focus is to build the capacity of teachers to design and facilitate quality Project Based Learning and the capacity of school and system leaders to set the conditions for teachers to implement great projects with all students. For more information, visit