Stanley Richards
Stanley is the Director of Curriculum-Based Professional Learning at PBLWorks.
Stanley joined PBLWorks as the program manager for an ongoing partnership between Buck Institute for Education and Lucas Education Research (LER) to study the effectiveness of PBL within a high stakes AP environment. He supports the professional development and coaching of teachers to implement AP Environmental Science and AP Government curricula in school districts all over the country.
Previous to his work at Buck Institute for Education, Stanley implemented PBL practices as a high school science teacher for 10 years, both in Colorado at Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center, a residential school for "at risk" youth in the mountains of Colorado, and City Arts and Technology, a small urban high school in San Francisco, where he was a founding teacher. Stanley was also an instructional coach in the subjects of science and math for 5 years.
Stanley has a BS in Environmental Science (with a focus on biology and chemistry) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.