JoAnn Groh
JoAnn Groh is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of two small schools: Paulo Freire Freedom School University and Paulo Freire Freedom School Downtown, middle schools that uses interdisciplinary PBL as its instructional methodology and has a social justice/environmental sustainability curricular focus. She currently is the Director of Professional Learning for City Center for Collaborative Learning, a nonprofit organization that works with educators throughout Southern Arizona.
In addition to her experience as a classroom teacher and small school Principal, JoAnn has consulted with schools around the country on a variety of educational issues. She works with KnowledgeWorks Foundation promoting personalized, competency-based learning. Previously she has worked as a Teaching & Learning and Literacy Coach with the Ohio High School Transformation Initiative, and coached leadership teams in turnaround schools on the use of instructional rounds and the creation of professional learning communities. She is a National Facilitator for the School Reform Initiative training educators in facilitative leadership of PLCs using the critical friendship model. In 1998, she received a national award from NEA for her work with teachers.
JoAnn received her B.A. in Political Science from Claremont McKenna College, a J.D. from Hastings College of the Law, and her secondary teaching credential in Social Studies from Mills College. She taught middle & high school humanities for over 20 years, using interdisciplinary PBL units, and when her schedule permits it, she continues to work with teachers in classrooms where her passion remains.