Watch Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Tutorials
PBLWorks has created these short videos to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
The videos feature teachers and students from K-12 PBL classrooms, and commentary from Suzie Boss and John Larmer, authors of Project Based Teaching: How to Create Rigorous and Engaging Learning Experiences.
VIDEO: Design and Plan
This video focuses on how teachers can create or adapt a project for their context and students, and plan its implementation.
VIDEO: Align to Standards
This video focuses on how teachers can use standards to plan the project and make sure it addresses key knowledge and understanding from subject areas to be included.
VIDEO: Build the Culture - Student Voice and Independence
This video focuses on how teachers can explicitly and implicitly promote student independence and growth, open-ended inquiry, team spirit, and attention to quality.
VIDEO: Build the Culture - Look and Feel of the Classroom
This video focuses on how teachers can explicitly and implicitly promote student independence and growth, open-ended inquiry, team spirit, and attention to quality.
VIDEO: Manage Activities
This video focuses on how teachers can work with students to organize tasks and schedules, set checkpoints and deadlines, find and use resources, create products and make them public.
VIDEO: Scaffold Student Learning
This video focuses on how teachers can employ a variety of lessons, tools, and instructional strategies to support all students in reaching project goals.
VIDEO: Assess Student Learning
In this video, Suzie Boss and John Larmer, authors of Project Based Teaching: How to Create Rigorous and Engaging Learning
VIDEO: Engage and Coach
This video focuses on how teachers can engage in learning and creating alongside students, and identify when they need skill-building, redirection, encouragement, and celebration.