By necessity, education has transformed over the last several months. And in the spirit of making lemonade out of lemons, we’ve been evolving online professional learning, too—with the goal of making our online workshops just as effective and inspiring (if not more so) than the in-person kind.
Released from the confines of physical space, we can come to you now, wherever you are. And, comfort perk alert: we won’t even know if you’re in sweats and slippers the whole time.
Our PBL services for 2021 are broader than ever.
If you’re beginning PBL on your own or with a small team, check out the facilitated workshops and courses we can bring you. Multiple options are designed to meet you wherever you are in your PBL journey - just getting started or advancing your practice - and whatever your role - teacher, coach, school or district leader.
Think of our services like a series of auto on-ramps, with the main highway being the practice of PBL. Or maybe a scenic and challenging hiking trail with many points of entry for adventurers! The point is that there are many options to merge onto the road, no matter where you’re coming from, and you'll have plenty of good company.

And we’re pretty psyched about what that means: even during this pandemic, we can share PBL with more teachers throughout the year and, ultimately, more students can experience deep, engaging, and long-lasting learning.
We’ve got this online thing dialed in.
We look forward to bringing you in-person services again soon, but online professional learning has won us over and is here to stay. A lot of our attendees tell us they prefer being online, and there are some pretty compelling reasons why.

Our online workshops and courses are:
- Easily accessible. Attend from anywhere in the world, with no travel required. At our latest open workshops, more than 20% of the participants attended from other countries, including Chile, Hong Kong, Canada, and Lithuania.
- Super flexible. We have convenient new formats for our 3-day workshops, such as consecutive Saturday sessions in the Spring, and 3-day intensives for Summer. Choose the dates, time zones and workshop offerings that fit your schedule and your needs.
- Cost effective. No travel, per diems, no overhead.
- Interactive and collaborative. Together with a cohort of your peers, you’ll do real, focused, challenging work, and create valuable connections.
- Getting great reviews. As good if not better than our in-person workshops. Seriously.
Take a look at all the new options available... accelerate your PBL practice, from the comfort of your computer.
3-Day Workshops
Interactive, immersive workshops conducted over three full days, and offered on dates from February through August 2021.
PBL 101: An Intro to PBL Design (Our most popular choice to get started!)
PBL 201: Improving the Quality of Student Work (Advanced)
PBL 201: Equity & Gold Standard PBL (Advanced)
PBL Coaching Workshop (For instructional coaches & curriculum specialists)
PBL Leadership Workshop (For school and district leaders)
See the full roster of workshops
8-Week Courses
Facilitated weekly 90-minute sessions and independent work, offered quarterly. Optional course credit is available.
Adapting Your First PBL Project
Pop-up Projects - NEW!
Join a cohort of teachers to implement the same project over a 3-week period. It’s an easy way to jump into PBL with your students.
Humanities Project: Building New Worlds
STEM Project: Our Lives Online
Questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].
Hang in there, all! We hope to see you in the new year.