Sam Texeira
Sam Texeira began his education career in the Boston Public Schools where he taught US History, AP US History ,AP Government, African American Studies, Civics, and facilitated the "Strong Men Strong Leaders" organization dedicated to supporting young men of color through leadership training, community service, and cultivation of a safe space to discuss community issues. In Boston Sam participated in the district's first Male Educators of Color (MEOC) cohort, and was named 2019 Boston Public Schools Teacher of the Year. The same year he was awarded a Fund for Teachers Fellowship where he traveled to Salvador da Bahia and Rio de Janeiro to study historic and modern resistance to racial oppression. Later that year, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley visited Sam's classroom and recognized him for Public Schools Week.
Sam is currently a teacher at Westinghouse College Prep in the Chicago Public Schools where he teaches World History, AP World History, and Ethnic Studies. In addition to sitting on the board of City Year Boston, Sam is a PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago where he has also taught undergraduate students.