Randi Downs
Randi is currently an instructional coach and teacher trainer with a focus on PBL for the Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES. Previously, beginning in the early 90’s, Randi taught 7-12 grade English in Central New York and Southern New Hampshire.
After an early stint in professional development for one of her districts, Randi had the opportunity to return to the high school classroom where she and her students engaged in PBL while learning the value of such an authentic and student-centered approach. After watching her seniors present TED talks about their leadership journeys during a project, Randi was hooked!
She welcomed the opportunity and position at OCM BOCES where, over the last few years she has formed relationships with incredible teachers who believe in their hearts that ALL kids can learn in a project based approached, even those with significant disabilities. Also rewarding is seeing what career tech and alternative education students can do when given voice and choice and the opportunity to learn relevant material in an authentic setting.
Randi enjoys coaching and consulting individual teachers as well as presenting cutting edge educational concepts and practices to teachers and administrators. Another favorite aspect of her work is facilitating reflection and celebration after teachers and students have completed a project and look ahead to planning their next innovative experience. That energy and excitement is what motivates her to continue her incredible PBL journey.