Jaimee Rojas
Jaimee is passionate about equity through Project Based Learning and has spent 15 years of her 23 years in education at a project based charter school organization, High Tech High, in San Diego, CA. She has spent her time in the classroom centering her relationships with students through teaching middle and high school Humanities, co-designing interdisciplinary projects with her colleagues and students and cultivating spaces where her students can experience true belonging and feel loved, seen and brave.
She is currently working as an Instructional Coach at Punahou School in Hawaii where she is coaching teachers in place-based, sustainable project design. Jaimee received her Bachelor's Degree from Pepperdine University in English and Writing and her Masters in School Leadership from Harvard University. She holds teaching credentials in English, Social Science and Special Education. In addition to being a classroom teacher, she has been an Educational Specialist, PBL Coach, PD Designer, Equity and Belonging Lead Teacher, and has traveled the world helping teachers believe that with the right level of support and courage, they can design high-quality projects that center each child in their care.
Jaimee is a Native Chamorro from the island of Guam and has a 19-year son who is a lover of sports.