Dori Berg
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
Dori is passionate about supporting PBL implementation to promote authentic learning opportunities for ALL students. Part of her love of learning began when she completed her student teaching in Auckland, New Zealand, and experienced living and learning in a vastly different culture. As a middle and high school teacher for 13 years, Dori had the opportunity to serve as a team leader, a representative on a pilot PBL team, and the department chair, all while earning her Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and contributing to the redesign of the district curriculum for social studies.
Relocating from Naperville, Illinois, to Plano, Texas, Dori transitioned into a PBL-instructional coach to more than 100 staff and administrators across three, K-9 STEM-designated campuses. She designed and facilitated professional development workshops and the integration of technology into PBL units in collaboration with the New Tech Network program. Working with K-9 teachers and the leadership team in aligning the PBL units and assessments around state standards AND learning 21st century competency skills proved to be a strong learning opportunity which brought her to BIE as a National Faculty member. Inspired through her learning, Dori developed a project based learning summer camp for elementary students.
Currently, Dori’s focus is facilitating high-energy, relatable workshops of PBL practices to both teachers and administrators around the world.