Cory Ann Smith
Cory is a high school principal in San Antonio, Texas currently leading the PBL initiative in her school and district. She transferred her experience and expertise as a PBL School leader in 2020 from Broward County, Florida, where she spent 22 years educating and leading a diverse population of learners at both the middle and high school levels. In Broward, Cory served as the principal of a PBL pilot school and was instrumental in leading the implementation and sustainability of PBL in secondary schools across the district.
Cory’s focus as an instructional leader is to promote the growth of responsible individuals, encourage constant curiosity, and offer opportunities for collaboration to overcome challenges in a diverse world. She believes this is accomplished when all students are given opportunities to build 21st century success skills through Project Based Learning experiences in every classroom. Her passion for engaging and inspiring her community of stakeholders while motivating and supporting students to reach their highest potential has resulted in a culture of shared responsibility for student success. She is fully committed to leading the integration and implementation of PBL in her school as well as supporting schools across the entire district to ensure that ALL students learn through Gold Standard designed projects.